General Incorporated Association



since 2003



Chiropractic Standarlization Course (SC)

Diploma of Science in Chiropractic

D.Sc. (chiro)


Conversion course in Chiropractic

based on WHO guideline - limited chiropractic education – category II(A)

 This program is designed to cover those subjects which are important for the practice of chiropractic and which have not been covered appropriately in previous health care education.  Part‐time courses have been designed to be convenient for practitioners maintaining their current employment, extending appropriate credits to persons depending upon their level of health care training.

 The entrance requirement would be completion of the 2000 hours D.O.M.P. program. ( or during the course depending upon their level )

 The duration of training would be over 1800 hours training including over 1000 hours of supervised clinical experience. 

 After completing the course, candidates must pass the final exam to be awarded the Diploma in Chiropractic Manipulative Practice (DCMP). 

*TOTAL hours you need to register as Diplomate in Chiropractic are;

1. health care license + 2. DOMP 2000hrs + 3. Conversion Course 1800hrs


1. health care license + 2. Previous Chiropractic Education + 3. Conversion Course 2500hrs


 This course is designed for candidates who have already had certain kind of chiropractic training but does not have the proper kind of education described by the WHO guidelines. We will focus on the principles of chiropractic, vetebral subluxation complex, chiropractic managent,  and learn "Where, Why and How" to deliver chiropractic manipulation safely and effectively to help your patients.

*please note that this is not just a technique course.


 ■ Philosophy / History / Principles and Concept etc.

 ■ Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Spine

 ■ Radiology

 ■ Chiropractic Management

 ■ Clinical Evaluation (Neurological, Orthopedic and Chiropractic Tests)

 ■ Chiropractic Palpation

  1 Pelvic

  2 Lumbar

  3 Thoracic

  4 Cervical

  5 Upper Extremities

  6 Lower Extremities

 ■ Chiropractic Techniques Advanced 

  1 Pelvic

  2 Lumbar

  3 Thoracic

  4 Cervical

  5 Upper Extremities

  6 Lower Extremities

 ■ Clinical Experience / 1000 hours

 ■ Case Studies / 100 cases

 ■ Integration & Final Exams (Oral, Written and Practical)



 -Techniques to be covered-

  Chiropractic-1 (PRE-COURSE)  *from DOMP program

 1. Diversified Techniques (HVLA)

 2, Myofascial Release (Nimmo / Trigger Point / NMT)

 3. Post Isometric Relaxation Techniques (MET)

 4. Positional Release /  Indirect Techniques (SCS/FPR/LAS)

 5. Cranial Manipulation

 6. Visceral Techniques

 7. Lymphatic Techniques (AK / CHAPMAN)


  Chiropractic-2  *from MCSc. program

 1, Full Spine Techniques (Palmer)

 2. Toggle Recoil Techniques (Palmer)

 3. AK Techniques (Pelvic Block, Cranial Faults etc.)

 4. Drop Table Techniques

 5. Spinal Decompression

 6. Instrumentation (CAT)


Assistance by, X-ray, Nervoscope and other physiological tests. Special unique chiropractic assessment with condition wise and each condition assessment and treatment.



Founder Executive Director:  Jay Yamahata BCSc., DOMP

 Bachelor in Chiropractic Science

Japan Chiropractic Registers (JCR) member


Diplomate in Osteopathic Practice


JHSAOM  Chairman of the Board


Manager, Reiki Master & OMT Bodyworker 

REIKI master:  tomoko yamahata


■Reiki Master


■Bodywork and Cranial Therpist


■JHSAOM Vice Chairman of the Board



Chief Instructor:  Hideki Takahashi BCSc., DOMTP


Branch Director (INDIA)

Director; Dr. Omkar Mulik  PT, DOMP

Pgdm Sport Medicine, Masters in Chiropractic


Chief Clinical Advisor (INDIA)



Medical Advisor (INDIA)

Physician: Dr. Chitaranjan Das, DOMP


Upcoming CourseS

School Address

1-23-19, Edobori, Nishiku, Osaka-shi

OSAKA, JAPAN, 550-0002



Registeration for PCOM-India

Contact: Dr. Omkar Mulik

TEL(WhatsApp): +91 9595989374





Company Information

General Incorporated Association


(Japan Health Science Association of Osteopathic Medicine)

Corporate Number: 2-1200-05-018404

Representative Director: J. Yamahata