General Incorporated Association



Japan Health Science Association of Osteopathic Medicine



Osteopathic Standarlization Course (OSC)

Diplomate in Osteopathic Manipulative Practice

D.O.M.P. (India)

PCC Chiropractic Pre-course

About PCOM

The primary goal of Palms College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) is to educate students to become osteopathic manual therapists who practice within the  concept and phylosophy of osteopathic science. In addition, our goal is to educate and develop primary health care providers who will practice in the osteopathic field. The PCOM encourages the students to participate in research and life-long learning to further advance his or her chosen profession.
DOMP International Course Curriculum

Educational requirements

To qualify for entering our approved program, the student must have completed a full time healthcare related degree or college diploma program. The program of study must include Human Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology and Pathophysiology) in order to be able to understand how and why osteopathic principles and techniques are applied during training;


being a licensed practitioner in one of the regulated healthcare profession such as Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, Accupuncture, Physiotherapist, Bonesetting or Medical Doctor, Nurse etc.

At PCOM you will receive Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy Training Program that meets international standards established by WHO.

(Length: 2 - 3 years, total 2000 hours)

The curriculum focuses on osteopathic concepts, philosophy, theory, accessment and treatment. Supervised clinical practice is an also essential aspect of training as an Osteopath.

All candidates must come to Japan to finish the course.

Annual and Final course examination shall entail multiple sections: written and  practical.



This course is designed for candidates who have already had certain kind of chiropractic training but does not have the proper kind of education described by the WHO guidelines. We will focus on the principles of chiropractic, vertebral subluxation complex, chiropractic managent, and learn "Where, Why and How" to deliver chiropractic manipulation safely and effectively to help your patients.

*please note that this is not just a technique course.

 ■ INTRODUCTION course / Osteopathic Myofascial Release (MFR)

  1 Philosophy / History / Principles and Concept etc.

  2 Pelvic

  3 Thoracic, Lumbar

  4 Cervical, Shoulder

  5 Upper Extremities

  6 Lower Extremities

  7 General Osteopathic Treatment, Integration, Exam


 ■ MET Muscle Energy Technique

  1 Pelvic

  2 Thoracic, Lumbar

  3 Cervical, Ribs

  4 Up/Lo Extremities


 ■ SCS Strain Counterstrain

  1. Pelvic

  2 Thoracic, Lumbar

  3 Cervical, Ribs

  4 Up/Lo Extremities


 ■ HVLA Basic / Osteopathic Articular Manipulation

  1 Pelvic

  2 Thoracic, Lumbar

  3 Cervical, Shoulder

  4 Upper Extremities

  5 Lower Extremities


 ■ HVLA Advanced (Full Spine Techniques)

  1 Pelvic, Sacrum

  2 Thoracic, Lumbar

  3 Cervical



 ■ FPR Facilitated Positional Release & Still Technique

  1 Pelvic, Lumbar

  2 Thoracic, Cervical

  3 Ribs, Up/Lo Extremities


 ■ LAS Ligamentous Articular Strain

  1  Zink's Patern, Diaphragm, Pelvic, etc.

  2 Bowstring, Vertebrae, Up/Lo Extremities, etc.


 ■Visceral Techniques

  Part 1

  Part 2 

  Part 3

  Part 4


 ■Craniosacral Osteopathy

  Part 1

  Part 2 

  Part 3

  Part 4  


 ■Lymphatic Techniques

  Part 1

  Part 2 

  Part 3

  Part 4  


 ■Xray Analysis 


 ■Case Studies


 ■Weekly and Annual Exams


 ■Reviews ( Anatomy / Physiology / Pathology / Orthopedic & neurological Tests / etc. )


 ■Integration & Final Exam



D.O.M.P. Registers

 DOMP-Registers was established in 2015 as an independent organization to register osteopathic manual therapists professionaly educated in Japan.

 Eligibility for registration requires successful completion of the 2000 hours educational program that meets the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and the passing of the JHSA-DOMP registration exam. 


Founder Executive Director:  Jay Yamahata BCSc., DOMP

 Bachelor in Chiropractic Science

Japan Chiropractic Registers (JCR) member


Diplomate in Osteopathic Practice


JHSAOM  Chairman of the Board


Manager, Reiki Master & OMT Bodyworker 

REIKI master:  tomoko yamahata


■Reiki Master


■Bodywork and Cranial Therpist


■JHSAOM Vice Chairman of the Board



Chief Instructor:  Hideki Takahashi BCSc., DOMTP


Instructor; Shota Anai, DOMP

 Certified Judo Therapist, CCP







Branch Director (India)

Director; Dr. Omkar Mulik  PT, DOMP

Pgdm Sport Medicine, Masters in Chiropractic


Medical Advisor

Physician: Dr. Chitaranjan Das, DOMP



Upcoming CourseS

School Address

1-23-19, Edobori, Nishiku, Osaka-shi

OSAKA, JAPAN, 550-0002



Registeration for PCOM-India

Contact: Dr. Omkar Mulik

TEL(WhatsApp): +91 9595989374





Company Information

General Incorporated Association


(Japan Health Science Association of Osteopathic Medicine)

Corporate Number: 2-1200-05-018404

Representative Director: J. Yamahata